Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Cyprus – Client Needs Assessment Survey Please complete all the fields in English *It is required Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.GDPR Agreement *I consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry.Please note that any information provided in this survey is strictly confidential. PART A - Client's Contact DetailsPlease select the category that applies to you *Legal EntityIndividualCompany's Registration Number at the Registrar and Official Receiver *ID Number *Company’s name: *Contact person: *What are your company's main activities and the products or services you provide? *Number of Employees *Email *Phone *Website / URL *PART B - Client's Challenges and Goals• What is your main reason for reaching out to the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)? Please describe the specific problem, challenge, or issue you or your organization is currently facing. *• What other challenges your company is currently facing? (i.e. energy efficiency/cost, competitiveness, lack of funding) *• What other challenges you are currently facing? (i.e. energy efficiency/cost, competitiveness, lack of funding) *• How have these challenges affected your business activities? *• How have these challenges impacted your entrepreneurial activities/ business goals? *• What are your short-term business goals for the next 6-12 months? Please choose the top five priorities. *Increase revenueReduce operational costsHire and onboard key personnel to fill critical rolesLaunch a new product or serviceExpand into a new geographic market or target audienceBetter energy efficiencyBetter waste managementReduce CO2 footprintIncrease use of renewable energy/ resourcesSourcing goods, materials, or services from nearby suppliers instead of distant or global onesImprove product or serviceImplementation of a new technologyImplementation of digital business solutionsAccess public funding or private investmentMeet specific regulatory requirements• What are your long-term business goals for the next 3-5 years? Please choose the top five priorities. *Increase revenueReduce operational costsHire and onboard key personnel to fill critical rolesLaunch a new product or serviceExpand into a new geographic market or target audienceBetter energy efficiencyBetter waste managementReduce CO2 footprintIncrease use of renewable energy/ resourcesSourcing goods, materials, or services from nearby suppliers instead of distant or global onesImprove product or serviceImplementation of a new technologyImplementation of digital business solutionsAccess public funding or private investmentMeet specific regulatory requirementsPART C - Financial Health• Has your financial performance improved or declined over the past year? *IncreasedDecreasedRemained StableThe company is only one year old with no prior financial performance to compare• What are your primary sources of income or revenue? (e.g. through product sales, subscriptions, licensing) *• Have you received any external funding or investment in the past? *YESNO• If so, from which sources? *• Are you currently seeking additional funding or investment? *YESNO• If so, how do you plan to use these funds? (i.e. to support a specific project or contribute to the company's growth?) *PART D - Market Position and Growth• In which geographic regions do you currently operate or conduct business? *• Are you looking to expand into new markets? *YESNO• If YES, which ones? *• Who are your main competitors? *Companies offering the same products or services or technologyCompanies offering alternative/different solutionsSmaller competitors focused on specific customer groupsNew competitors or startups entering the market• What differentiates your products or services from those of competitors in your industry? (e.g. product features, quality, innovation, convenience, brand values) *PART D - Innovation and Technology• Is Research and Development (R&D) involved in your business activities? *YESNO• Have you introduced any new products or services in the past year? *YESNO• If so, what has been the market response to these new products or services? *• What digital tools and strategies do you currently use in your business? *Business Management Systems for Optimization (i.e. OMS, CRM, ERP Systems)E-Commerce and Digital Marketing (i.e. SEO)Data AnalyticsCybersecurity• Are you planning to adopt any new digital solutions in the near future? *YESNO• If so, in which areas of your business do you plan to implement these new digital solutions? *PART E - Regulatory and Compliance • Are there any regulatory challenges impacting your operations? *YESNO• If so, in which areas are these regulatory challenges most involved? *• How do these challenges affect your business operations? *• What support do you need to ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards? *TrainingRegulatory UpdatesExpert GuidanceManpower to implement necessary changesPART F - Sustainability and Green practises • Is sustainability important to you? *YESNO• If so, what sustainable practices do you participate in? *• Are you interested in adopting more sustainable practices? *YESNO• Are you using or planning to use any green technologies? *YESNO• If so, which ones? *PART G - Support and Services• What would be the best way to receive external support? *Workshops and TrainingWebinarsOne - to - one ConsultationsEmail Alerts or NewslettersNetworking opportunitiesSubmit