Business Delegation to Romania Date: 14 – 15 September 2022 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Company Name *Participant Name & Surname *Name & Surname of accompanying persons: Corporate Title *Email Address (for sending relevant information) *Office PhoneMobile Phone *Address or PO Box (for sending invoice/receipt) *Description of Company Activity *Areas of interest for cooperation *CommentsPersonal & Company Data *I hereby authorise the CCCI, the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry and their partners in Romania to use my personal data, as well as our company data for the purposes of the aforementioned event. I also consent that the CCCI might use the aforementioned data for informing us about other activities organised by the CCCI and/or the Business Associations operating under its auspices.CommentSubmit